I wish I had some advice to offer besides get out get out GET OUT.
My plan is to leave in January when I start student teaching. I am leaving eventually. Thank dogs.
Do you get paid overtime?
HA! Ummm...no. If I did, I'd least be living large these days.
I do have 2 temps working for me right now, plus my normal minion. It's just that a lot of the work I do requires a higher level skill set than my temps or even my minion have. And, training someone to do this kind of work would take more time than I have since the chairman wants this stuff tomorrow. (Well, really, she wants it today, but that just ain't happening.)
I've talked to my boss about getting more, higher level, full-time, permanent help and it's being evaluated. My dept. is going through some changes and he wants to really evaluate where we're going and our staffing needs. Which is great, but not soon enough in my book.
Mom and I just went and had Greek food because over the weekend I had a No More Peanut Butter Sandwiches epicure freak-out and we couldn't go on the weekend.
Love that restaurant.
We went for yummy Indian food for lunch today while doing errands. I love every other Monday so much, when Teacup Guy isn't working and he doesn't have any meetings. Even if it ends up being errand day and clean the house day.
MFN and I had ceviche for an appetizer at lunch. Mmmmm......
I hope everything's ok, Kristin.
so today Flatmate, who has been my best friend and coworker for the past 3 years, left Egypt for Cyprus (holiday with family) and thence to the UK.
Aww. How sad, Fay. And I know how much fun they all were, and you had in Cairo! And I'm so glad I got to have a little of the fun! Are K and C still going to be there, or are they moving too?
Are any of your friends joining you in Thailand?
I want to visit!! And I have to think of Fay and sing "Bangkok, oriental setting and the city don't know what the city is getting..."
You know what I hate? When a supposedly good friend does something thoughtless and/or shitty and when you call them out on it, they say "oh, I'm sorry, I knew you were upset with me, but I had no idea why".
Eep. Even knowing this can't be me (as I haven't said anything like that lately), I cringe reflexively going "crap, have I pissed Vortex off? I don't want to piss Vortex off! I don't see her enough lately!"
It's just that a lot of the work I do requires a higher level skill set than my temps or even my minion have
Can you make your boss do it? Because really, working you so hard you break down is NOT making an effective/productive employee, so it's in their best interest...
MFN and I had ceviche for an appetizer at lunch. Mmmmm......
SO JEALOUS! Of both the MFN-having and the ceviche.
Dinner tonight: Roasted vegetables over couscous (both made with fresh herbs that we have grown), and a caprese salad with yellow tomatoes.
I ate a bowl of mashed potatoes. And a chorizo.
I don't think I have anything at home I want to eat, which makes me suspect there may be Chinese food in my future.
I'm having cherries. I leave for my first stats class in a few minutes. Wish me Happy!Numbers!