How far? My friend felt it in Sunnyvale, 90 miles from the epicenter.
Hm. Not that far, I think. More like 40. But I'm over to the east, not on the fault line. It's possible I was just oblivious, but the animals didn't react either, so I'm postulating some geological formation between here and there that damped the vibrations.
Poor Gloomcookie! That's so not right. Way too long a work day.
Good luck to Jars and boy next door.
Hurray for Move Day! Hiring movers is da bomb.
Hurray for Raq's job!
So sorry about the extreme lack of sleep, Cashmere. That sounds really rough.
GO sj with the good grades! Sounds like the car stuff is well in hand and I hope it's not too expensive. Meeting the mother~ma for you.
Happiest of birthdays, Deena!
Happy birthday, Deena!
Okay, the AC is not coming back, and they're letting us go home. "If we want to." Ha! Strangely, there are some people still here. I'm going home where, I hope, it is still cool.
Gronklies to the rest of you all. sj, sorry about the Bad Apple Ambulance Bastards.
To all who failed to sleep--my sympathies. I got some last night, but that was the first night in days where I had more than two hours in a row. Whee?
Wallowing in k.d. lang. I really need to find a fandom where she's my writing music loop.
I really need to find a fandom where she's my writing music loop.
Surely "Constant Craving" can find a home in fandom?
Girly soap talk: I recently ordered some soaps from Villainess ( OMG! There's one called Scintillating that smells like a chocolate mint! I love it. I might even like their soaps better than Lush...
I loves me some kd lang. I first saw her in concert in 1988. She was the opening act for Dwight Yoakam. Boy, that was a good concert.
I loves me some kd lang. I first saw her in concert in 1988. She was the opening act for Dwight Yoakam. Boy, that was a good concert.
I think my toes just curled in happy at the thought! I loves me some Dwight, too.
David, I'm listening to Shadowland and Earlier k.d. lang. Country k.d. instead of Crooner k.d..
GC, what else is good there? If you're ever in Seattle, we should totally hit Bliss Soaps, which is like a flashback to Lush five years ago. (And staffed by adorable gayboys.)
Hippo Birdies, Deena! May you have a wonderful day and a fantabulous year!
I just bought k.d.lang's Torch and Twang. For .50 cents. Why are her albums so cheap? It's not right.
Emmett leaves his cap in the East Bay, and one of the Marines left his (or her) cap in my husband's safe last night.