Jars, yuck. I know nothing about archaeological employment, but I hope it works out for him and he can go to Ireland.
I want to go to Disneyland with Kristin! Although maybe not in August, and not if folks are sleep-deprived.
GC, yucky schedule. Stop it.
I officially start f/t next week, 4 ten-hour days. Flexibility to have a 3-day weekend is why I like being a contractor. PLUS the new parking lot at the embassy will open, and we have a space, so no more walking to work in 100-degree weather! I'm kinda happy, but I'll miss lazing around the house playing with Mal.
I'm sorry Jars, that really sucks. I know that anxiety well, from when the software product Tom was working on got phased out the company and he was on a work visa (ie, layoff=get out in 4 weeks)
(hugs Tom's green card close)
Hopefully a solution will come your way soon.
Is it wrong of me to bristle at a seemingly standard question here, "How was your night?"
I know it is just making conversation, but DAMN. I went home, ate a fried egg sandwich and watched 2 gloriously terrible episodes of ST:TNG before passing out worshipping the sweet, sweet, AC.
If anything interesting/horrible/exciting happened in the 15 hours since I saw these people last, I'd bring it up!
Not to say I haven't felt the same thing, but I think you may be overreacting just a tad.
Yeah, I'm just fretting because I know there's nothing I can do about it, and I feel useless. I just have to hope something will turn up, I guess.
I tried to fall asleep at 11 but ended up falling asleep closer to 1. Girl got up at 2:30 and stayed awake until 4:30. I tried to fall back asleep after she did. Finally did at 6:30 (after DH's alarm went off). Girl woke up at 7:30. Boy woke up at 8:00.
Not to say I haven't felt the same thing, but I think you may be overreacting just a tad.
Yeah, you're probably right. Man, I miss my misanthropic office. Not that THAT didn't lead to annoyances too...heh.
Yay VW! Have a good move! No more Asshat landlady!
Move-ma to vw, so the movers don't break or lose anything. Yay for a new place to make home!
Well, Nora, at least your co-workers didn't give you shit about having a photo of Stephen Colbert up. One of my officemates posted a pic of Colbert from the latest Wired and man! did our conservative boss give him hell.
One of my officemates posted a pic of Colbert from the latest Wired and man! did our conservative boss give him hell.
The boss is not an "it getter" is he?