I move tomorrow, so I should be, you know, getting ready.
Eep. Loads of weather-ma for you. It's supposed to be cooler (though I suspect the 9th circle of hell is cooler than Boston right now), but they keep nudging that number up (yo - yes there IS a difference between 82 and 90, really there is, so could you make up your mind), but partly because I think it's supposed to be storming.
He just chooses his faith over science....It's just what they've chosen to believe.
See, I just - I can't even wrap my mind around that. How does that work?
excellent Boston weather cranky x-post!
OMG, now they are predicting tomorrow to have highs of 93, not the mid-80s as originally thought. GOD.
I know. I'm not thrilled about that. It's gonna be miserable. Glad I don't have to lift anything.
Loads of weather-ma for you.
Thanks! I'm gonna need it! If the storms can just hold off...that'd be good.
Also, if my dog would stop puking and having blood in his diarrhea, I'd be happier and less stressed.
Hi, bug!
We've broken 100 degrees. And they're predicting thunderstorms. THis should be fun. The last time it rained really hard, there were big clouds of steam coming off the pavement.
See, I just - I can't even wrap my mind around that. How does that work?
You got me. I have no idea. Trying to talk about it with him only makes my head go 'splodey so I don't try.
excellent Boston weather cranky x-post!
Heh. Yeah, I'm pretty much a monster skeptic on them predicting that heat waves are going to break in two days. If they say tomorrow, and stick to it, they are usually right, but I'm firmly convinced that any farther and they are trying to minimize people's freaking out.
Dollars to donuts, if tomorrow is in 90s, the Friday temprature predictions will be considerably higher than they have been all week. Fuckers.
P-C, Here's a follow up article.
I actually found that when I Googled. Heh.