I asked for unspecified jobma~~for DH. less than 5 minutes after posting, a call came to this house from an ex-boss. one he has a great deal of respect for. with a very interesting possiblity. Who knows if it will go anywheere, but ...
ps yes he still needs job ma~~` but htat was just interesting. Really he hasn't talked to D in years...
I know an actuary who won't let his son play with toy dinosaurs. He's not a moron by any means. He just chooses his faith over science. Not all evolution/global warming deniers are Christian and some are even pretty damn smart. It's just what they've chosen to believe.
That wedding dress is adorable.
wait, so dinosaurs just didn't exist?
Smart people can be stupid too.
I should get that on a t-shirt.
wait, so dinosaurs just didn't exist?
Michael Crichton says they did.
wait, so dinosaurs just didn't exist?
It's one of those "he's testing us" theories.
Michael Crichton says they did.
I get so pissed that he gets all the credit when it was the article by Charles Pellegrino in Omni that posited the theory.
From Overheardatthebeach.com :
Naked guy: Do you know why I love going to nude beaches
Naked chick: Why?
Naked guy: No Republicans.
--Field 5, Robert Moses Beach, New York/blockquote>