n the peer-reviewed scientific journals, not ONE article disagreed with the basic premise that human beings are causing massive global climate change. In the popular press, over half of the articles mentioned a "controversy" over that point. It boggles the mind.
Even the US Army, widely believed to be as conservative as all get-out, accepts that there is massive global climate change and is planning accordingly. (Of course, they are also assuming that the American executive and legislative branches will take no action, a la Kyoto).
But, but! We can TELL what temperature it's been before! With microorganisms! And isotopes! And such! Science can TELL us things, people!
edited because though I think there should be things calld 'mocroorganisms', alas there is not.
Even the US Army, widely believed to be as conservative as all get-out, accepts that there is massive global climate change and is planning accordingly.
(Of course, they are also assuming that the American executive and legislative branches will take no action, a la Kyoto).
Also sensible, evidently. Damnit.
But, but! We can TELL what temperature it's been before! With mocroorganisms! And isotopes! And such! Science can TELL us things, people!
Americans are not so gullible as to believe SCIENCE.
I have a friend that does not believe in global warming. but mostly, she doesn't believe, because she doesn't understand it. WQe were talking about the recent CA heatwave- and global warming, and she was saying" yes but last year was so much colder than normal" and i said "exactly" and she said with a Big huff " everything means global warming" Which well, yeah- because if it didn't - goodbye theory - but what she didn't understand( and I am not sure she listened) is that global warming is the explanation for the unstable and chaotic weather patterns.
The American public is turning into a big Barbie doll: "Math is hard!"
Crazy? Would crazy people have their own museum?
That "museum" is actually in the Cincinnati area. It's about 1 or 2 exits south of the airport (which is in Northern Kentucky, which most of you know).
My city/region frequently makes me want to drink gin straight from the cat dish.
I have a friend that does not believe in global warming. but mostly, she doesn't believe, because she doesn't understand it.
We had this very conversation at a work birthday lunch yesterday. One woman said, and I quote, "I haven't made up my mind yet about global warming, because of everything I've read by Michael Crichton. I've read all his books, you know."
I literally had to get up and walk into the kitchen at that point, so that I didn't get fired for calling her an ignorant simpleton who should never have been allowed to procreate.
Oh, I also vote that Trudy's Chicaco dress was absolutely spectacular.
Oh, I also vote that Trudy's Chicaco dress was absolutely spectacular.
Hmm... it has a really high neck though. How hard is it to lower a neck?
But, but! We can TELL what temperature it's been before! With microorganisms! And isotopes! And such! Science can TELL us things, people!
Ha! Clearly, you're stuck in the Reality Based Community.
And as Steven Colbert can tell you, Reality has a WELL KNOWN LIBERAL BIAS.