The bad part is, I have them for my local service (with never a problem) and have been considering getting DSL through them. Am now reconsidering.
Don't do it! Save yourself! And write a letter to the president telling him your decision was based on Tom and Nora's hellish experience!
That'll learn him!
Also, heh. Now I'm remembering the Verizon folks on the earlier train.
Is this the boy you told me about at the F2F?
It is indeed.
Right ON!
Also, my opinion on dresses: the pink LA dress is princessy but not CFM; I don't even remember the DC dress because I am a tool; but the Chicago dress is really hotttt b/c -- IIRC -- it drapes beautifully over your sexy curves. And the color is *gorgeous.*
Happy Electrical Appliance Anniversary, Miracleborns!
I think someone should link to pictures of Trudy at F2Fs i wasn't at so I can judge the comparative sexayness.
What, exactly, could "electrical appliance" mean? Hmmmm....
I get what you are saying Frank about the environment that the folks work in...I do...and STILL, I'm flabbergasted by the level of inefficiency (one service can't read the records of another service, which means 4 more phone calls). It's like every single detail is on a 'need to know' and no one needs to know. Least of all ME!
You and me, Beej! You and me.
Nora, I had a vision of us...bandoliers and all...storming the HQ. I'm bringing grenades.
No kidding. I had no idea.
Nothing says "I'd marry you all over again" like a Zombie Mindcontrol Ray.
WHOOOOT! I need a new death ray. We never got the one off our registry.
I think someone should link to pictures of Trudy at F2Fs i wasn't at so I can judge the comparative sexayness.
How big a narcisist am I if I declare that an AWESOME idea?