You're right about it being a New World monkey, billytea, and you pointed me in the right direction. It turns out it's a black-tufted marmoset [link]
Of course, now I'm wondering why New World monkeys have prehensile tails and Old World monkeys don't.
And I'm still unhappy for the poor thing, in a cage all by itself.
I really don't get Greek pricing, but in this case I'm not going to fret too much, as I just got a nice Bodum french press for about $10. I also got some nice coffee for it, and it turns out that I am what I drink: the coffee label says "Full-Bodied, Snappy, Bold, and Deliciously Sweet." (OK, maybe the last one doesn't apply).
Raq, did the package arrive yet?
Hi Kristin! It did! Thank you! I wore them to the latest doctor visit, and they helped my mood tremendously.
Is your new address a good and viable mailing address now?
Raq, YAY! I'm glad they (finally) arrived and cheered you up. Oh, and the new mailing address won't be good until August 10th.
ION, it is 2:15AM here in California, and I have a serious case of The Creeps. Granted, I was reading a murder mystery before bed, but I read them all the time without getting creeped out, and this one was predictible and not particulary scary. Still, for whatever reason the skylight over my bed, which has never bothered me before, suddenly seems quite menacing and extremely accessible to rooftop intruders. Every time I close my eyes, I have this horrid fantasy that someone is up there staring down at me, and then I have to open my eyes and make sure it isn't true.
This is not making restful sleep much of a possibility.
t shiver
I'm really glad I'm moving soon. Sleeping alone here under this window is really not fun anymore.
Happy Anniversary, Joe & Aimee!!!!
Happy Anniversary, Joe & Aimee!!!!
Slacker! Denier of joys!
Precisely. This is what I told him. But no, sleep - can you imagine that? - sleep was more important.
Happy Anniversary, Aimee and Joe!!!
Happy Anniversary to the Miracleborns!
Happy Anniversary, Aimee and Joe!!
My car is not acting right, so I am going to take it in on my way to therapy today and Mom is going to give me a ride. I hope it is nothing serious (or expensive).