health-ma for your Grandma, Kristin. I hope things go smoother than anticipated on all your other difficult tasks back home.
Welcome back, Erin! How're you feeling?
Priceline. Just got $70/night at the Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA. Sweet!
Health ~ma for your Gran, Kristin. Strength to you.
Much punctuation for Kristin and her grandmother.
Kristin, what a sucky trip. At least it'll be the-sucky-trip-that-is-over soon, and not the-sucky-trip-hanging-over-my-head-all-summer long.
I hope your grandma is ok. Lyme is icky stuff.
Hec, I feel ok. My kidney started hurting again yesterday and today, but I think it's because I drank on the water Saturday, and then had soem dacquiris Sat. night. I'm back on the Cranberry Road, though.
{{{Kristin and Gran}}}
Much ~ma~ and love to you, bebe.
Criminy. {{{Kristin and Gran}}}
{{{{Kristin & her gramma}}}}
Crap, that's what I get for jumping to the end of the thread.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLEI!!!!!!!!!!! May it be a day of shiny, sparkly people and things.
((((Kristin and family))))
{{{{Kristin & her gramma}}}}
I read this as grammar (d'oh!), and thought, "but Kristin's grammar is always lovely!" ... her gramma is a much more serious thing, and I'm wishing her the best.
(But not the
which IIRC was a freakassed 70s self-actualization/therapy cult. Apparently the funny dyslexia applies to both reading and writing today!)