My philosophy of education is simply this: It's the magic bullet. Crime, poverty, etc. nearly all of societies ills can be cured by it. We need more of it. We should pay for it. Schools should be cathedrals and teachers treated like rock stars.
Cashmere has my vote for Ruler of Everything.
Also? Gerber baby now unemployed. S/he's been supplanted by Olivia!
Here, Nicole, have some nice drugs. And if there are any within reach, have some real nice drugs, too. Stoopit cramps.
If we had this, and affordable, accessible healthcare, we'd never recognize the place.
That's 'cause you'd be living in Cuba.
Wait. I missed the Olivia photos. I'm also not clear on flickr, in general. I somehow managed to add myself, so that I can see all of Stephanie's photos, a long time ago, but have never again found where to do that (for Cashmere's photos, Plei's photos, etc.). What if I have cute baby withdrawal? This is SERIOUS.
Hey GC, know when you are going to OR yet?
Alas, I am going from Fri 8/11 - Mon 8/14. I will miss the coolness of your 80s celebration. Raise a glass to me with your fingerless-lace-gloved hand!
Hee. Just kidding. Have a good time.
What if I have cute baby withdrawal? This is SERIOUS.
With the flickr you could let people know your flickr name and then they can go to your profile and add you as a contact. And then you can go to your profile to the list titled "Who Calls You a Contact?" and click on their profile link to add them as a Contact. And then when they add new pictures they'll show up in the Photos from Your Contacts page.
I feel like there should be a less complicated way though...
Picture this [link] with black leggings, wide belt or two, jelly bracelets, big hair and turquiose eyeshadow.
80's? Or just horrid fashion sense outside of the 80's?
could you check for me to see if you work with my mother-in-law?
amych, both her age and her sexual orientation peg her as not a grandmother, but I'll check.
(That's the part that baffles me the most, I think. Um, how can you support them, they hate you!?!)
Oh, lisah! That's hyterical. Chris caught sight of the photo when it was up on my screen, and took it to be real, which added to the funny.
Now I have to remember my flickr name. Damn. I shouldn't have the internets.
That looks/sounds perfectly 80s to me! I had a black-and-white-striped, bubble-skirted spandex dress back in 1986. I wore it to a dance and have PICTURES of me in it. Oh the horror, the shame!