Most annoying question: "What is your worst fault at work?" Because you have to think of something, because no one will believe you're perfect but you don't want to sound like a bad risk.
I usually say that it's somethign that goes with a strength--I'm very deadline-oriented (which really means, I procrastinate, but whatever). I say that I'm very good at getting things done in time for a deadline, no matter what it takes (be they little things or big projects) but that I tend ot have a hard time with the tasks that don't have deadlines, and are just routine things you need to do. (But then I talk about having strategies for that, and giving myself deadlines, and blah blah blah organization-cakes).
I'm obsessive.
And, in a slightly unrelated topic Hugh Laurie needs to stop being so damn charming. I don't need another Celebrity Boyfriend, but it's probably too late as I hate that Lipton wanker pretty much, and yet I watched Actor's Studio because he was on it. And he sang this gross little song that was really funny, but still gross enough that there is some House in him. My mom's amused.
Her favorite fictional boyfriend is Luke from Gilmore Girls though.
Oh, erika, I'm so glad they're rerunning that Sat at noon ET. (At least where I am.)
I so wish I could teach him AIFG. Because he would love it so very much I can tell. Since "the f-bomb", so to speak, is his favorite curse ever, I'd love to hear him say "I'm playing a doctor right now and it's fucking great."ETA: It's cute. If I'd been wearing socks, he'd have charmed me right out of them. I could have run in the other room and gotten some,, wait. No I couldn't.
Would it be terribly vain to send his "people" the crip magazine with the two House articles in it? Because I've been tempted, but is that like picking up John Lennon's hair clippings?
Not particularly stalkerific, erika.
Right on! A's beat the Angels, with their second come from behind win in two days. Plus we keep Zito! Woot! Dan Haren (Emmett's favorite) pitched a complete game. Loved this comment from the A's board:
"Bradley is just something else, perhaps quite insane but just an electric player with a gargantuan will to win."
That about sums him up.
Yay Zito and Yay A's win!!!
I want to check out Safeco looks pretty cool from the freeway.
Wallybee and I have booked our Red Centre getaway! My travel bookings over the next couple of months are now complete.
t twirls moustache
Cool. Cause I came late to this fangirl thing, you know. And it's not just me, another woman wrote about House too, but, of course, like House, I have to believe that mine was better. Mine had citations. And David-Simon-likes-carrots and stuff.
So he's John Crichton?
Aha! We just watched Farscape! Go team Fandom Random Chance!