Dag nabbit.
Em's sick. AGAIN. It's barely been a month since she finally got over the last cold. It's so aggravating. I can't afford to not work. I won't get paid.
Poor thing. I know she's not feeling well and she probably hates being sick, too, but damn am I aggravated.
Poor thing. I know she's not feeling well and she probably hates being sick, too, but damn am I aggravated.
You must have heard the old story. Mother and child in the park. Child sneezes. "Gezundheit sweetheart" say Mama. Child sneezes again. Mama: "God Bless you child". Child sneezes a third time. Mama: "Damn it! The little stinker's getting another cold!"
Jim Infantino
Hmm. I think that this is a good friend of one of my past students. I have a CD at home from about 10 years ago that I'll have to check.
Jim Infantino was my camp counselor.
Jim Infantino bit my sister.
I wouldn't be too surprised at that either.
Strangest question during a job interview: "What position do you hold in the church?" ie, what was my job in the LDS church. This was for a temp position, and you can bet I reported him to the temp agency for illegal questions.
Most annoying question: "What is your worst fault at work?" Because you have to think of something, because no one will believe you're perfect but you don't want to sound like a bad risk.
Okay, I looked it up. My former student wrote some songs with Jim Infantino. Not imagining it!
Meanwhile, the job I interviewed for has turned me down. Bummer.