It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one possessing a killer bosom.
hee! my friend who is a yoga teacher is curvy too so she's a good one to ask for modifications for the bosomy. I keep forgetting to ask her about the plow.
Cashmere, you were in a dream I had last night, oddly enough. You and a bunch of my friends were raiding the president's house (not the White was, like a brownstone in Brooklyn or somewhere else urban and vaguely familiar to me). I wouldn't participate because I was afraid we'd get caught. I'm not sure what you all were looking for but my best friend's late lamented black lab showed up (as a ghost dog). And you held him in your arms which I thought was a very nice thing to do.
Cashmere, you were in a dream I had last night, oddly enough. You and a bunch of my friends were raiding the president's house (not the White was, like a brownstone in Brooklyn or somewhere else urban and vaguely familiar to me). I wouldn't participate because I was afraid we'd get caught. I'm not sure what you all were looking for but my best friend's late lamented black lab showed up (as a ghost dog). And you held him in your arms which I thought was a very nice thing to do.
Best. Dream. Ever.
I'll bet we were looking for the photos of Bush & Dick Cheney snorting coke off of hookers' asses but I'm glad I got to hold the dog.
Okay, people, I need the motivation. Who's bogarting it?
I'd say something about how I must have brought it to work with me, but I think we'd all know that was a lie.
How are the cats?
Well, I can't find one, but other than that they seem to be fine. Bastet, apparently, is washing her feet in her water bowl. Which is actually kind of cute, if it weren't her drinking water.
Aha! The lost cat has just emerged from wherever he was hiding to sit in front of the couch and look at me expectantly. And now he's sitting next to me and looking expectant. And, honestly, a little threatening. Oh! He wanted petting! Right NOW, it appears. Looks like I won't be moving anytime soon.
Cashmere, thanks for ruining Nip/Tuck for me by making substitute Bush/Cheney for Christian Troy. Ew.
The lost cat has just emerged from wherever he was hiding
Probably the round cat perch in the front room, next to the liquor cart.
to sit in front of the couch and look at me expectantly. And now he's sitting next to me and looking expectant. And, honestly, a little threatening.
Just remember, no sudden movements.
Either that, or use the feather stick.
Cashmere, thanks for ruining Nip/Tuck for me by making substitute Bush/Cheney for Christian Troy. Ew.
Oops. That is a mind-scrubber.
Jim's Big Ego
Fay! Bummer about the JBE crackage. Jim Infantino is one of my personal favorites...but I don't have the cd with "Stress" on it or I'd...well.
I have "More Songs About Me", which includes a Bitches anthem like no other...Bite Me (hard). Sadly, it's not on iTunes...still searching.