I don't mind temps inching up into the low 80s if they don't plan to stay.
And it cools off nicely too at night when we aren't in a freak heatwave, which makes a huge difference.
Nearby volcanoes freak me out too, but I have the irrational belief that I/my pets/science could predict one of those better than an earthquake, and I'd have time to get the hell out.
Actually, that is pretty much true. Volcanos give off a hell of a lot of warnings before anything happens and these are watched and studied extensively.
Also, I have virtually no pollen issues.
So. Freaking. Jealous.
My loathing of NBC Sports is knows no bounds. Can anyone go google me an email address to vent? I can't figure out how to find out without spoiling myself for the damn race I am trying to watch should they ever actually show the freaking race instead of fun! little! clips! of stuff that happened in April. Fucktards.
Trudy, I am sending you Champ Car and F1 tomorrow. It's taping now. At least I think the F1 will fit. We'll see. Tape goes out tomorrow though.
Maybe I could talk to Teacup Guy, sj, if you'll convince my mother she could find another dumb job and another dumb guy. It could be like Hitchcock without the carnage.
I would also like to live in Libkitty's narrow temperature range.
I think you mean Zenkitty's, but I like the range too. When Zenkitty first posted her temperatures, I saw the lower than 75 and said, "Juneau, Juneau!!!" Then I realized that she probably meant year-round, not summer, and since we spend most of the winter in the 20s and 30s, don't fit. Dang. I was hopeful for a minute there. Besides, doesn't it make great sense that Zenkitty and libkitty should be in the same location? We're practically twins!!!!
Yay, P-C, you apartment getting god, you!
Yay for Hil's family being still present and accounted for.
And thank you, Cash and Cass, for the reassurance.
I posted this in my LJ, but thought the observation might be appreciated here.
While at work today, I got to see most of Breakfast at Tiffany's. I always know, without any prompting, that Audry Hepburn, in addition to being lovely beyond words, was an extremely talented actor. I've got a bit of a girl-crush on her, and she is so luminescent that while she is on screen in front of me, she is the performer I generally focus on. George Peppard generally pings me as - and I am aware of the injustice of it - "Oh, look, there's the guy who played Hannibal on The A-Team. Well, whuddya know, he sure was a dreamboat in his day."
For some reason, today it was Mr. Peppard pulling my attention. Understand that I have never seen him in any other movie, and the above mentioned tv show. Today I was amazed at the finely drawn emotions he put on the screen. I would gush far more, but I just don't know what to say, other than that I now believe his talent was grossly underestimated - by me, at least, and quite possibly by most of the world.
I now believe his talent was grossly underestimated
I, too, am mostly familiar with Peppard from The A-Team, and either from the Dirty Dozen or something like it. I, too, was amazed when I saw him in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I actually didn't love the movie, but I thought he was gorgeous and did a great job.
Yeah, they were kind of great together. Although the film itself is so Iconic, I suppose it was natural that I'd be disappointed with it.
Although the film itself is so Iconic, I suppose it was natural that I'd be disappointed with it.
This probably contributed to my meh feelings.
Writing "This is all bullshit." a brazillion times does NOT make for a good analytical essay on an essay that purpotes to show how homosexual marriage damages heterosexual marriage, right?
A good analytical essay might include you talking to various married folks on how "damaged" they feel their marriages have become. Especially if you know any married folks in Massachusetts. Or Canada or England.