You could ask that about any women's sport, couldn't you?
Not shotput, that's for sure. Actually, I think the average female athlete's body is far enough from the typical male ideal that it's not that much of a libidinous draw. I've been told by some shallow guys to stop with the muscle gain, and it's not like I'm focussed on honing my body or anything.
Something like Roller Derby has the women doing something sexy, and the women don't have to be hardbodies of the flatchested sort to do it well/entertainingly. Shot put/lacrosse/triathlon--NSM.
Oh, sorry. I stole all the nap. If it's any consolation I'm ridiculously lightheaded, so it's not like I'm enjoying it.
Migraine with no pain. Which is better than the migraine with pain I used to have, but it's left me so exhausted that I've been hungry yet napping for over an hour.
Will eat now.
eating is good, as long as you save room for cupcakes. I hope you feel better soon.
Ooh, I haven't been to the cupcake place in ages.
I am a slug. I have done next to nothing today. I have done some homework and kept checking on work-work, but the thing I need has not been sent to me yet. If I had known it wouldn't come in, then I could have made other plans...such as being a social creature.
David - which fields were you at in Alameda? The Little League fields at Otis and Grand, or Krusi Park? The Little League fields are within blocks of my house.
Suzi, Otis & Grand (or, really, Grand a bit past Otis). Still waiting to hear what time tomorrow's game is.
So that's your neighborhood? I like it. Did K-Bug go to that school or is CJ about to?
I was at Democratic Reunion listening to people not pick up their phones. Was major.
Good cake, though.
There are two schools right there. The one on Otis is K-5 and is where K-Bug went and CJ goes now. The one on Grand is 6-8 and K-Bug went there too.
If you were to go about three blocks east from the fields, you would be at our house. We live between the fields and the shopping center.
The way the neighborhood is laid out, CJ doesn't even have to cross a street to walk to school.
I have created chaos. Complete chaos. I move books from here to there in different piles everywhere , but there is no meaning to the movment or piles.