Roller Derby sounds interesting to me.
{{{Teppy}}} The service sounds like it was lovely.
My in-laws have a week's vacation next week and it looks like they are doing absolutely everything they can to avoid even a day trip over here to see their grandkids. I've taken five trips to Indiana in the last four months where I split time between my family and C's so everyone could see the kids.
Both sides need to get off their asses and come here to visit because we deserve a little reciprocity. *sigh*
How about the early days of the suffrage movement? Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony.
Could I somehow transition it into how the lowest minority to turn out at the polls is, in fact, women?
That's patently unfair, Cashmere.
How about something about tiaras, Aimee? Or how the popularity of Harry Potter has impacted literacy rates?
t pops into thread
Aims, just make sure that you pick a topic that is a question (a why or how or cause or effect type question), not just a what happened. The most common error my students make with research papers is asking something obvious, like "What was Susan B. Anthony's life like", which turns into a factual regurgitation rather than a critical research essay. Instead, ask something like "Why did Susuan B. Anthony become involved in the women's rights movement?" or "How did Susan B. Anthony affect the women's rights movement?". Basically, you can test your thesis question by asking if you can look up the answer in one place. If you can't--if it's going to take analysis of multiple sources--then you have a good topic question.
t pops back out of thread
Could I somehow transition it into how the lowest minority to turn out at the polls is, in fact, women?
Mmm...interesting. Women went through hunger strikes and were imprisoned and force fed just so other women could choose not to vote.
I took my nap earlier this afternoon. Right now I'm baking some pasta for dinner.
Christopher tried to cut Owen's hair again. Only this time he shaved it. Unevenly. Boy looks like he's ready for basic training. I keep telling myself that it will grow back.
Anyone else flash on regular "what Christopher did to Owen's hair" posts over the next fifteen years? Or maybe ten - after that it'll be "what Owen did to Owen's hair."
Mmm...interesting. Women went through hunger strikes and were imprisoned and force fed just so other women could choose not to vote.
Although, the retail suggestion is about shopping. ANd I love shopping.
And it wasn't (completely) a smart ass suggestion, Aimee. There has been a major change in the way people buy, sell, and market things, and it's not all Wal-Mart/Target-ization
I predict that it would be hard to limit yourself to 2500 words on e-tailing. But maybe that's good.
Anyone else flash on regular "what Christopher did to Owen's hair" posts over the next fifteen years?
Now I want them all to be archived.
Roller Derby History!
More Roller Derby!
Also, you get extra interview points for interviewing Sail's daughter.