It's not really a full-fledged lesson, just a 15 minute problem solving activity to give them a taste of math class, with me, in a performing arts school. I'm using the clip where Sarah has to figure out what to ask the guards (one truth-teller, one liar) to avoid Certain Death. Sadly, this is a Bowie-less scene, but it does set up a problem-solving activity rather better than any of his.
I got extra credit in my freshman art class for bringing this film to my teacher's attention. She showed it in class and we had a great time. Needless to say, the Bog of Eternal Stench was a hit with the 15 year old boys in the class. I think we were working on Escher inspired drawings or perspective so it fit right in--but there were lots of art lessons to be learned in that movie, too. The logic stuff flew right over my head.
LA geography is a little confusing. Everything is right there close by but also tremendously far away, somehow.
You have just described our traffic issues perfectly.
LA geography is a little confusing. Everything is right there close by but also tremendously far away, somehow.
Are you saying LA is one big, optical illusion?
{{{JZ}}} Finish the bag of cheese bakes, you deserve them. It sounds like it was a stressful day.
I don't think so. She waltzed into the apartment at 3pm on a Friday done for the week. Only had to work half a day, and then got let off jury duty.
She had some soup, and has been nibbling at the nuts. So I think she's fed. She's mostly sniveling, as her nose has gone on strike and doesn't seem to be allowing air in or out.
We're off to Alameda tomorrow for baseball games. Two games tomorrow. Two or three on Sunday.
Dammit, I think the A's are going to trade Zito to the Mets before Monday. Fuck. That breaks my heart.
I don't think so. She waltzed into the apartment at 3pm on a Friday done for the week. Only had to work half a day, and then got let off jury duty.
But, the beginning part of her day was stressful and she is growing a human.
Whee. after complications and misdirection Emily, Lee and Deb ended up in our neighborhood at a new restaurant's first test dinner night, where we were all rewarded with really good food. Much of emily's stuff is in our house and she is now light enough to sail unto the wilds of the Califonia Educational system.
Here's a D&D take on the problem-solving scene you are using, Gris. [link]
Dammit, I think the A's are going to trade Zito to the Mets before Monday. Fuck. That breaks my heart.
NNNOOOO!!!! I just checked the A's site, and there's nothing there, so it's not really happening. Right? (And a smaller Fuck about Carlos Lee going to the Rangers)
so it's not really happening. Right?
Apparently the offer is on the table. Zito for Lastings Milledge and Aaron Heillman on the Mets. It's up to the Mets whether they pull the trigger. I think they have to. They need pitching to make it to the World Series. Milledge is a top prospect though, so it's hard to make the deal for a two month rental of Barry. But his old pitching coach is with the Mets now, and they're a front runner to get him as a free agent anyway. As long as Barry doesn't go to the Yankees. Fuck that.
(And a smaller Fuck about Carlos Lee going to the Rangers)
Eh. The Rangers don't need more offense. They need pitching.
Yo, DC 'verse comicpeople?
Batwoman is gay, right? Yay for that. Now, in Egypt my access to comics was patchy - I followed part of the War Games storyline and assorted other bits and bats. As 'twere. My question is - who is the batlady in the all-over mask'n'suit combo? Who fought against Onxy when they did the whole staging-the-big-fight thing to make Onxy and whatchamacallim look like convincing villains? Was
Batwoman? Or Batgirl? Or Batbitch, or Batms, or Batwhothehellwasshe? She was fabulously badass in the wee bits I caught, but I didn't have a fucking clue who she was.