I've seen reasonably-priced thigh-highs at Sears. Try the softer side of Sears and channel your Season Two Nerdy Willow!
I have such an amusing mental cartoon of Jilli dressing in tasteful pearls and Donna Karan for Halloween, and Loomy!Pete following her around, industriously taking pictures of all the dropped jaws this costume inspires among her regularly scheduled fan base.
Still have not actually written Thank-You letters. Procrastination is the name of my game today. My motivation wandered off without me.
Until I met you people I didn't know about thank you letters for job interviews. I've never done one. Not saying you should follow my example...
I wandered off distracted by pretty things and forgot where the board was, and that it was almost time for the thread to turn over. I should have been doing paying work but somehow I never quite got around to it.
Just say no to corporate Jilli. It's wrong. Yuck on the trial, glad it's over; yuck on the infection, glad there're meds for it; job~ma for Calli and hugs and hairpats to everyone else and I'd be delighted to Make Art for anyone who wants it.
I'd be delighted to Make Art for anyone who wants it.
Me, me, me! Beautify my life, Deena!
I'd be delighted to Make Art for anyone who wants it.
This is always such a hard decision. On one hand, NEW!SHINY! ART from Deena, but on the other hand, no more OLDBUTSTILLVERYSHINY!ART from Deena.
Hee! You guys certainly know how to make my day.
Me! Not like you're busy or anything.
mmmm.... Shiny Deena art.... Want some....
I guess I'd like to be on the list for new ShinyDeenaArt too, but at the very bottom., whenever you have time.
It's the US Army War College.
Raq, you won't see this until later, but that's about 10 miles from where I grew up in PA. Depending how long he's going to be there, I could send him to get stuffed to the gills at my parents' restaurant.
New thread! Mayhap I'll be in this one more than I've been in the previous 5.
I love Deena Art! It's so very right for the person for whom it's created.
edited to fling some job~ma southward in Calli's direction.