sj, it's possible. He didn't actually have any dairy last night, but this was one of the first times it's ever happened without a giant lactose overdose.
I thought he had ice cream, sorry. One of the other things I had a problem with when I was a kid was anything that had a lot of high fructose cornsyrup in it, especially fruit punch type drinks, would also make me sick. T had a lactose intolerance too and the same problem with those kinds of drinks.
Sometimes, the taste buds just outrule the stomach, you know? Like it's so damned good to taste these yummy foods that who cares if you're putting your stomach in jeopardy later. Besides, it's a 50-50 gamble and when there's sugar involved, I'll take those odds any day.
sj, I mean to answer you before; I'm not watching the game. Ben is, though. Pffffft on that. It would have ticked me off, too. The team Ben played against today had a girl on it. Reportedly, there are a few girls in Triple-A in our town. Julia's in the Rookie League though, and she's already not getting the attention she probably should (she's probably our most naturally athletic kid--the most at home in her body, anyhow) and Scott thinks it is because she is a girl, and her coach only has boys. I think part of it is Julia. She's used to doing great at everything without trying. When she has to try, she's less interested. Oops, she's just come in the room. Time to change the subject.
It sounds like it only happens when Emmett's a complete piggy boy. I suspect that's the problem, more than any actual food he chooses to pig out on. That sausage was part of the menu--well, like Hec said, it was just a big, undigestible lump in his tummy.
Cindy, we need to watch a game together sometime, or at least meet.
Yes, we do. We definitely do, sj. We have one car right now, so it's a little harder than it usually is.
We have one car right now, so it's a little harder than it usually is.
Very understandable. Do you have any plans to get another one or is that not possible right now?
So need to visit the East'd be great. You could teach your savantish friend what people dig about baseball.
Cause we didn't have a team till I was already twenty.
(waits for Zmayhem "Oakland likes carrots." good-cop bad cop)
Well, we sort of have to get one, because Scott's job got transferred out of state, but we're going to try to make it through the summer without the second one, because we just bought a brand new car in December and we really can't afford it. His employer is supposed to give us a transportation stipend starting in July's paycheck. That will help some, but with the price of gas, it's just all kind of nuts.