Is Pete looming?
Nope. Pete is getting ready to leave the hotel and go to the M:tG event where he's the Guest Artist. *I* am lounging around the hotel room in my nightgown, taking advantage of the free wifi. Soon, I will put on makeup and call Cass. But I can pass a message to the loom-y one, if you need.
Yay Jen!
(I, uh, sorta skimmed, so hugs and ~ma to whomever needs or wants.)
women as university presidents
My univ. has a woman president, but she sucks. Blech.
Yay for Possibility Boy! And boo for math.
Thinking about Fay's lovely if heartwrenching post yesterday, do other people not have a hometown? I mean, I moved around a lot when I was growing up. I've actually lived in Chicago a lot longer than I have anywhere else. My parents now live somewhere that I never really lived. I don't think of anyplace as my "hometown."
Coffee, please.
Too funny video. Internet is for Porn [link]
Visiting the google video page was a very bad idea. I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to NY for a month. Eeep. Excellent way to avoid my list though.
I picture you delivering this message with sabre-point at his Adam's Apple. This picture makes me happy
I think Epic has the right idea. Yeah!
Paul put up some of the pictures of Lillian on the 4th...
Adorable, evil, and I can't BELIEVE how big/old she is, AND that I haven't yet seen her in person. DANG.
The insurance company in Monterey decided I wasn't committed enough to underwriting to be a good fit.
Y'know, sometimes workplaces drive me nuts. It's like "If I won the lottery, would I be doing this? NO. But am I going to come to work every day and do the job right? YES. So quit asking me to tell you INSURANCE IS MY LIFE or whatever!"
Too funny video. Internet is for Porn [link] Visiting the google video page was a very bad idea. I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to NY for a month. Eeep. Excellent way to avoid my list though.
Hee! Also, NY for a month is cool. Go NY!
I love Cindy. Love love love.
It's entirely mutual, Teppy.
Anyway. I didn't go to the hospital, at my mom's urging. She said that Grandpa was very agitated, which is getting expressed physically -- he flails and pulls out his iv tubes and tries to get out of bed, etc. She said that it's probably better if I wait until he's more settled.
Your poor Grandpa. I'm glad your mom let you know. Have you heard any more, or visited, today?
May there be good grampa news today.
In my capacity as an ex-janitor at an all girl's Catholic school, I mopped thusly.
That job description boggles me. I need more coffee.
Also, a nanny for the weekends on occasion. But, you know, that's my selfish desire to, umm, write things talking.
Your poor Grandpa. I'm glad your mom let you know. Have you heard any more, or visited, today?
I haven't heard any more, because Mom and Stepdad are camping (they don't seem overly concerned about Grandpa), and Passive-Aggressive!Aunt won't call me. So, whatev. I have a party to get ready for. I hope he's doing well. I assume that *someone* would call me if he took a turn for the worse.
I was reading my alumni magazine and I got to the section where people send in their life news (jobs, births, promotions, etc.) and came across the the BEST ONE EVER. A girl that graduated with me is now a human canonball/stuntwoman for Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's Circus. And it says exactly that--"HUMAN CANONBALL".
Steph, have fun at the party and keep in mind that no news is probably good news.
I have cherries and they are of the yum.
So, Jars has
hair, and The Boy Next Door is splendid. Also, I am a total girly wuss in the beer-drinking stakes these days.
Upon arriving in Sheffield, I dove into the Whistlestop shop to buy some water, and so did Jars, but at the same time as we were sort of going 'Hi!' I was being sort of chatted up by a random bloke, and then there was a fleeting moment of puzzledness as to whether he was with Jars, because of the being-awful-chatty, followed by a 'but he doesn't sound at all American, so surely not', and then it was established that, no, he was just being all chatty-uppy. Which is flattering, but I wish it hadn't involved him fleetingly stealing my book and being all 'no, I have to keep it because I want to talk to you', and me being all 'but, but we have to go! And I need my book!'
Actually, thinking about it, this has happened quite a few times with random black guys in Sheffield. I'm always at a loss when random people hit on me and ask for my phone number in public places. Does this ever work? Why would I want to give them my phone number on the basis of three seconds' acquaintance? Still, I suppose it's as good a chat-up technique as any - most people aren't me. Carpe diem, and all that.
It was, nevertheless, a surreal way to meet someone - having the whole awkward chatting up thing and book recovery process.
Very nice day. Although we sort of forgot to get around to the movie, in the end - but, oh, there was VERY nice Chinese food.