Nurse Jen, R.N. Sweet!
I know I'm not the only one that went to a Naughty Nurse Jen place.
Also, I'm doomed.
As in dooooooomed?
I just feel every bit as much a stranger in a strange land [in my hometown] as I ever did in [foriegn city].
I left my hometown when I was 19 - 33 years ago. Every time I go back for a visit it is like time has stood still while my life did not. Best move I ever made. One of the best things about living in S. Florida is that most everyone here left their hometown. S'nice.
Did Pirates with MIL and my family. Was fun. Guys have all gone fishing and I have a very quiet house. Ahhhhh
Yup. So very doomed.
Oh! Forgive me if I missed hints of this in my skippage. Please to tell more?
There's just a Possibility Boy. Not really any news yet, just me possibly getting back in the dating game.
Darn, I forgot to ask about the possible dooming boy last night! I am so glad you and Emily could join us for dinner.
Hee! I kept wanting to whisper across the table that he'd e-mailed again.
Yeah. We're both kind of talkative in our e-mails.
Possibility is a nice thing. It's good to hear you open to the possibility of being back in the possibility game.
btw, is there a mailing list for your region? I'm headed north next week some time. We have shows to attend in Hartford July 25, Providence July 26, and Boston July 27. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to attend or just stay at the lake in NY. Some combination of Sheila from my office, DH and/or I will attend. I was looking for a centralish location to stay so we don't have to pack up all our stuff several times. It looks like we can stay somewhere in the middle. The shows don't start until 11 or so in the morning so not a big deal to drive a bit. Anyway, I was going to drop a note to the regionalistas for suggestions.
I may just let Sheila and Brendon do the shows and I'll travel over with no business on the agenda another time. I'll be up there about a month.