T'is a sin to waste good Munch.
Did I ever tell you I 'met' Belzer? We were at the closing of Catch a Rising Star and we spoke for what must have been a good half second. I belive the conversation consisted of "hey" "hey" with accompanying head nods.
Yeah...he's great,Fay. Especially with Wu the opium dealer. God, that's funny. It's Swearingen's fucking world and they're just the unfortunate cocksuckers living in it...that ought to be worth a fucking statue.
It would be in Yankton.
Cool on the Belzer Brush with Fame, Trudy.
So Ian McShane is good in Deadwood, then?
Scary good. Anybody who only knows him from his LOVEJOY days is going to be totally shocked (although he definitely showed much of the same intensity in SEXY BEAST as he does in DEADWOOD).
I've never seen him in anything. Which may be why it seems so real.
See, he's pretty much Lovejoy, in my head. But that doesn't mean that he can't be other people, I guess. Cool. I'll try to remember to check it out, when I get a chance.
The firs time I saw Ian McShane was in "Disraeli" ... and he was gorgeous.
I have a friend whose reaction to Meloni was to quote something she once heard (imagine a thick Jersey accent): "I would do him. I would do him in front of my mother."
I have a friend whose reaction to Meloni was to quote something she once heard
In just about anything I've seen him in
SUV, oh yeah.
I knew it was a quote the Bitches would appreciate.
Lunch as been had.
Motivation has been lost.
Wrod. Stabler is only sexy when he does things, that really, as an ACLU member, should give me a wig...pushing suspects(although on SUV(ha!) they're always guilty dirtbags anyway...moral relatives are for cable-having pussies, against walls and crap.
Psycho!Vigilante Stabler is hot.