Seriously, Nigella is Right Up There on my list of celebrity crushes. Higher than - well, most of them, actually. So hot. And she can write. And she can cook.
shakes head wistfully
I'm not entirely sure whether I want to be her, or do her. Both, I think.
::sits next to Fay::
I love Nigella. We used to get her show on the Style Network, I think, but I don't think we get it up here, if they're even running it. I got her Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking for Christmas, and there are drool stains all over it now.
By the way, I saw a couple of episodes of Gordon Ramsey's new show. Looks kind of fun, if a bit odd. And I love the way he does his recipes (even if that is a very tiny part of the show.)
Just looked at your pictures Steph -- It looks fun.
I think I forgot to mention, great pictures, Teppy!!!
I've gotten seriously invested in the Gordon Ramsey show - I think what I like in reality shows is seeing people actually working at their craft and learning their jobs during the show. And there's the entertainment factor of the truly clueless trying to cook under fire. On one show, after screaming at people, he took the winning team out for a meal and was as nice as could be to them. Told one person to call him "Gordon" rather than "Chef".
Oh yes. Hell's Kitchen. I've been watching that nicely balanced with Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.
The contestants on HK are just so lacking in talent. Any one of the people from Top Chef are better than most of the people on HK.
Go Team Emmett! Clearly he did a Good Thing. I remain somewhat uncertain as to the precise nature of the Good Thing, but am content to remain ignorant, clutching the salient piece of information to my chest - he done good.
Right, well to put it in more fannish terms, the evil army of Orcs had his plucky band trapped and in desperate straits and there was little hope left. But wait! His plucky band did not give up, and by dint of their tenacity created one tiny chance for surviving. Emmett then did rise up and do something not merely Pretty Good but genuinely Mighty. The orcs did fall into darkness and were vanquished and lo, the dawn did fall brightly on a free land and there was much rejoicing!
Also, Fay, your hyphenated phone company outrage is stretching the frame wide.
"And isn't it all Harry-on-Draco action anyway?"
Draco/Neville. ijs.
Awww, Emaryn looks just right on horseback.
Tep, I'm particularly digging GothKitty and the Mermaid in your pictures.
I've got the Nigella love, also. And her hips and thighs from cooking like her, but not the boobies, darn it.
I don't want to go to work. There are people there, and work, and I don't wanna.
Love love love nigella. I love that she is completely upfront about her lack of training and that her qualifications are as an eater, not a cook!