It is what's her name with 'Semi- homemade' that drives me crazy. Sometimes I watch her just to see what bizzare and strange things she can do to food.
Sandra Lee. Her I hate. Plus, her food only rarely looks appetizing to me.
Ded from the cuteness of Lillian and the axe.
{{{vw}}} Feel better.
Lillian very cute. Yay for Emmett, that's a great moment. I am neutral on the subject of Sanda Lee.
Pictures remind me, I have pictures of Horse Camp.
Yay, Emmett!
Lilian=beautiful girl child.
Gud, I'm no expert, but she looks so natural with the good posture and all.
Her riding instructor said she was a natural at guiding the pony. Alas, lessons are too expensive to do very much.
Sandra Lee. Her I hate. Plus, her food only rarely looks appetizing to me.
And half the time her recipes are more complicated than just doing it from scratch.
She really does look good on a horse, Gud -- nice and relaxed and balanced, and you can see that the pony is as well. The natural tendency with beginners is to kind of go fetal and tense and hunched over, which makes them lose all the control they have, and kinda freaks the animal out, too.
Not that any of this helps with the cost of lessons.
Gud, your daughter looks looks great in those pictures.
Emaryn got to go to horse camp.
I am so jealous.
Instant cereal:
And half the time her recipes are more complicated than just doing it from scratch.
Plus, you can see that she's fundamentally icked out by food. Every time she has to actually touch something, she flinches away from it, maybe pokes at it once or twice with a fingertip as if she were being forced to handle a slug, and then immediately runs off to wash and sanitize.