I'm home again. Back to my craxy life. And oh, is it back. Geeesh. I'm already hiding from everyone.
K-Bug's bf came to the airport to surprise her, it was very sweet.
We missed our small town parade, which was fine by me. Mom is in full "it is a holiday, we must have a TON of food" mode. Blarg, it is just us and the bf, no extra people, no party, NO NEED. And yet...
Luckily we got our fill of fireworks at baseball games last night (K-Bug and I in Denver, and DH with CJ in Oakland), so I can beg off of finding a viewing point tonight.
Want nap.
It's bright & sunny here in North Beach, and I actually forgot it was the 4th of July. ITALIA! ITALIA!!!!!! WHOO!!!!1!!!!
Now I am frantically doing laundry & packing. Whee!
So who won?
I would thhhpth at you, but my voice is hoarse from the yelling.
I'll just consider myself thhhpthed then
Lee, how's your head? Any better?
Yay for cooperative heads.
ITALIA! ITALIA!!!!!! WHOO!!!!1!!!!
That was some exciting finish. I had become involved in other stuff and just made it to the tv with 7 minutes left of the 2nd OT. And WoW I say.
I need to get on my bike and get to the beach for fireworks. Soon. There have been festivities all day including the sand castle competitions. Hope to see the finished stuff. Music starts big time at 8:30 with fireworks at 9:00. They do it pretty big here. Yippee.
Checking in briefly - I have a houseguest through tomorrow morning.
Is it wrong of me to hope that tonight's fireworks get rained out? I'm pooped. And dehydrated (working on fixing that), and probably have mild heat exhaustion from going to the zoo yesterday (pictures were taken, however, including pictures of a baby camel and a baby giraffe.)
Wow - I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to my phone vibrating from a text message. I tried to fish my phone out of my pocket, but my hand was DEAD asleep. My sleep clogged brain couldn't figure out why my hand was having problems. I'm so glad no one was in the room as I must have been a sight.