Congratulations on the car, Kristin!
I stayed a very short time at my cousin's graduation party, and now Dave and I are happily relaxing at Mom's beach house. I didn't think the internet connection was working here, but it is! My tummy is much better, just a little acidy still.
I don't think I've had any heads of state in my house, but I did interview Margaret Thatcher in her living room at 10 Downing St. Actually, one of the living rooms, I suspect.
Congratulations on the Prius!
And you didn't need to wait for it or anything?
ita - how did you get to interview the PM?
I did interview Margaret Thatcher in her living room at 10 Downing St.
Good God, what did you say? Did you try throwing a bucket of water over her? Or hurling a piece of her jewellery into the Crack of Mount Doom?
Mom came in here a little while ago and she saw the e-mail that Dave sent out for my birthday gathering while I was trying to pull up the pictures of our new neice. As a result, I had to answer the question, "What is a Big Gay Pirate?".
Did you show her a picture of Captain Jack?
I saw an ad for some sort of pirate program marathon that was supposed to be happening on History Channel.
Alas, it's not today.
She has seen PotC, but I don't think slash would register in my mother's brain. She seemed satisfied with the answer, "That's what my friends and I call PotC."
My father came home one day and asked if I wanted to interview the PM. I said sure, since I was mightily impressed with a woman running a country (I was 14 or so!) Then ensues the merry hijinx of multi-culti kids riding in their own double decker around London, ferried to the PM's place, where we were filmed for some TV show I'd never watched all interviewing Mags.
I think I asked about her role models. I sure don't remember her answer. I however, was in a cream sweater, tartan kilt, and brown knee high boots. And there was a cute guy in our group who kept pressing the call button on the bus you weren't really supposed to press. Especially not a bunch of times.
Like I said, 14.
Kristin, congrats on the purchase of your Prius.
I, on the other hand, just bought (well, technically, my dad bought) the best pants in the history of the universe from Dillards clearance. They're these Ralph Lauren corduroys. And they're GREEN. Like GREEN AS HELL. Like WHEN THE LIGHTS TURN OFF, THEY WILL GLOW. And they were TEN DOLLARS.
I have a feeling they might make me look incredibly gay, but chicks dig gay guys, so I'm okay with that.