JohnS! Hey!
Oh, yeah, I was an extra for a TV movie starring Alec Baldwim and Eddie Arnold, so I saw them. Thought: "My GOD that man has a lot of chest hair!"
I am bumming because I forgot again that I can't order from Sephora. I shopped for an hour and found everything I wanted and then damn.
Fay, this is Barbara Tropp's recipe for Fresh Ginger Ice Cream. It's verra good. (I guess I should say "the late" Barbara Tropp, as someone told me she's died, which makes me sad). [link] It's wonderful with Bittersweet Chocolate Sauce:
2.25 cups bittersweet chocolate, chopped into bits
1 cup whole milk (or extra-rich milk, if you can get it)
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
Place chocolate bits in a heatproof bowl. In a small saucepan, bring milk to a scalding near-simmer over moderate heat. Remove pan from heat and whisk in cocoa. Pour the cocoa-milk through a fine mesh sieve into the chocolate. Press any cocoa lumps through. Whisk the mixture to a smooth consistency. Leave uncovered at room temp for several hours; it will thicken a bit.
I have Dr. Who 2x12 ahemmed now, but Andi is at work for another 2-1/2 hours.
I, however will exercise manly restraint and not even "check quality" or some such. Nope. Wont. Not me.
t repeats it to himself to bolster his fortitude.
Meanwhile, I'm doing dishes and generally napping on my one day off.
Hmmm. I have an ice cream maker. I wonder if I shouldn't just go get some yogurt and whip some frozen yogurt into existance...
The problem with napping between batches of dishes is that the fresh batch of water you ran for, say, washing all the bowls including those dusty in the cupboard, ends up being cold.
I was planning to go to bed an hour ago - how does this happen?
Anyway, xpost with LJ...I uploaded some of the scrapbook papers I've made to Flickr. [link] If you are so inclined, please check them out and let me know (comments there are fine, or email, or whatever) which ones you like. I'm trying to get a feel for what I should work on.
t Scrubs all kitchen counters and the range top, including the gunky burner rings.
So, uh, I'm supposed to be flying to San Francisco tomorrow morning and have done so little planning it's shameful. Could someone kick my brain, please?
t Comes in from cleaning, then firing up the gas grill and kick-starts Emily's brain engine.
t tips hat
Half an hour to Andi...
I just put both beef and pork steaks on the grill after slathering them with sesame and ginger marinade.
Is there a way to find out where the nearest BART station to a particular address is? Or, even better, is there any map Website which shows public transportation?
Holy crap. I think I just bought a new car.
Holy crap.