Er. I met Michael Palin once. Which I've mentioned before, I think. I was rendered utterly tongue-tied and wide-eyed and fannishly adoring. It was ghastly embarrassing, but he was every bit as nice about it as one might expect.
I bumped into Simon Callow once., that's it, pretty much.
However, ion,
I have the Buffista Cookbook!!!!
Woohoo! Just discovered it! AIFG!!!
BUT, I never paid for it. I did the whole getting-to-the-F2F thing, and there were several people I had stuff and/or money for, and I know I owe somebody money for the cookbook
and I am so crap that I don't even know who paid for it.
t deeply ashamed
All my recipes are going to be seasoned with
I met Michael Palin once. Which I've mentioned before, I think. I was rendered utterly tongue-tied and wide-eyed and fannishly adoring.
Oh man, I have such a crush on him!
I'm sure the LAistas have longer celebrity sighting lists - I only lived there 5 years. And despite my best stalking efforts in Santa Fe, I have not yet bumped into Val Kilmer.
My only celebrity sighting was of Joan Rivers, alas. I was sitting behind her at a play when I was on vacation in London.
Aimée! Have you seen this photo?
sj, hope you finally got some sleep. I'm so sorry about your stomach aches, I get those every once in a while and they SUCK SUCK SUCK. Like you, I used to get them mor frequently and I was convinced it was some sort of food allergy. It wasn't though. I don't know what it is.
See y'all at the end of the week, Happy 4th of Julys to all who celebrate it!
Apropos of nothing - has anyone heard anything from AmChau recently? I can't recall when I last saw her in the threads.
She's been travelling and posting about that, Dr. Who and Star Wars fic in her LJ. I think her LJ name is the same as her board name, if you want to look her up.
Gronklies. I did get some sleep last night. Hope the rest of the night shift here got a bit of rest as well.
I found out tonight that at nearly twenty-nine years old, when I feel that sick, I still want my mother to come take care of me. I didn't call her, of course, but I wanted to. Pathetic much?
Nah, my mother was in her late forties when she mentioned to me that it didn't matter how old you are, you still want your mom when sick.
This just made me sniffly, in a mostly good way. Have a FABULOUS time.
Enjoy yourself, Nora!
sj, I hope when you get up your tum is feeling better. That really sucks.
I'm off to the wilds of Door County for the next three days. There will be wine tasting, DIY art, Christmas ornament shopping, lots of nummy food and possibly fireworks. The only reason I say wilds is because I don't think there's a Starbucks on the entire peninsula where I can hook up my wireless, so I'll likely be very dark gray to black for the weekend. See you all on the 5th!
"I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?
"Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially." -- Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) In a speech voting against internet neutrality.
And did you know?
And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.
"It's a series of tubes."
(I'm hoping he was trying to use pneumatic tubes as a metaphor, not vacuum tubes....)