Naked and prodded by a stranger!OMG! body-image demons on a nice snug leash; I know, no matter what noise the BIDs are making
Believe it or not, my massage issues have nothing to do with my body-image demons. It's entirely an issue of I-don't-know-you-well-enough-to-be-naked-or-for-you-to-touch-me-no-matter-what-size-I-am. I mean, I couldn't care less if a massage therapist thinks my ass is the size of an SUV -- I don't know them, and that's the point. I don't know you, you don't need to be touching me.
t /great big freak
And my personal-space issues have gotten honed a lot more carefully over the past year, because I've finally gotten a handle on the concept that no, someone can't just come up and get in my space just because they want to.
Which led to me being a huge dick to a lot of people at the F2F, for which I'm very very sorry.
Hi Aimee!
Jilli, it's a date! The boys will find other ways to entertain themselves, I'm sure.
He was NOT on this past weeks ep. BUT - he will be on this weeks ep. At least, we think he will as he answered the questions that go along with this weeks topic, "Guys you hate" or somesuch.
And of course he's awesome. He is CAPTAIN STRIPEY-TIGHTS CANDY MAN!
Please let that be a joke. Pleeeease.
Aims, is your profile addy good to send a 2 meg image file to? If not then email me another address, if you could.
Which led to me being a huge dick to a lot of people at the F2F, for which I'm very very sorry.
See, all I caught there was "huge dick... F2F..."
And then I smiled.
Teppy, I thought we were keeping that a secret.
I'm not big on massages either. People touching me? No thank you. I hate this new thing where people feel the need to hug you when they see you, or are saying goodye, or just because. Just no. Please to not do that unless I give you express permission. The worst is people touching my head. Even le bloke isn't allowed do that without first announcing his intentions.
No massages for me unless Dave is the one giving the massage. ETA: Because of Body Image Demon issues and the squick of strangers touching me.
He is back from his interview. He is not supposed to hear back about the job until the week after next because of the holiday.
Sometimes you just want to affirm people.
Well, whenever you feel the need, I'll take the affirming.
I don't mind facials, but they don't do much for me, either. My eyebrow waxing experience is pleasant, and doesn't bother me.
Teppy, I doubt you were a dick at the F2F. I just do.