We moved into a great place when I was pregnant with Jake -- only to find out the landlord was a complete psycho. Real knuckle-dragger type, with a scuzzy, lecherous smile. Had grown up there, or somesuch, and viewed any apartment in the four-unit building as his. As in, for always, no matter who was renting it. He never even knocked -- he'd just use his key and just come on in. Once I *was* in the shower. (And three months pregnant, hormonal, and beginning to be hysterical.)
We moved out after only seven weeks.
::swoops in, grabs Sail, makes out, swoops away::
Oh, AmyLiz, I can't even imagine! How awful.
Oh, AmyLiz, I can't even imagine! How awful.
He was off-the-charts weird. But we found an even greater place, and were there for four years, so it all worked out.
::sits back to watch ChiKat and Sail make out::
My first apartment ever - I was 22, fresh out of college, just moved to DC - was in a large-ish building. One evening I was in the bathroom and thought I heard the door rattling. Not unusual - when the people across the hall opened and closed their door, mine tended to shift in the frame. When I went into the main room I discovered that the door had been unlocked and pushed open, stopped only by the chain lock. My lease was about up and I moved out when it was over. I later discovered that some building employees were using their keys to get into apartments and raping women who lived there. A lucky escape for me!
Chain lock sounds good. as does naked. or baking -- with flour across the kitchen. As does speaking so sweetly to the possible new occupants( instead of evil agents) - so sorry, I have to get ready for work , I really think you'd like the palce , but I have to shower now... hope you can come back and see it...
happy birthday to Deb , Nic and David.
what a good birthday month.
Many happy returns of the day to Hec, Deb and Nic!
I'm so tired. I'm trying to give up caffiene, so far I've been diet coke free today, I'm not cutting cold turkey I've started taking Excedrin to get me through the headaches but I'm so tired. And it's storming outside, maybe we'll have another power outage.
But last night I got some cleaning done and instead of trying to tackle everything at once and getting overwhelmed I just worked and then took a break and accepted that it's easier for me to do things slowly, as long as I don't make any new messed.
I can't wait to get off work, I'm going to go over to Mom's and check on her cat and break my no naps on workdays rule and crash on her very comfy couch.