But I had a choice, and I knew how damaging that kind of workload and anxiety was, and I learned from it, and applied what I learned with how I want to live my life.
Wise, wise words, Nora. I made a similar choice several years ago and have never regretted it. I get that not everyone has this choice, but if you're lucky enough to have it, you should take it.
American culture is so work-oriented. I wish we had a little more respect for the importance of leisure; I really think that our country would be a helluva a lot less uptight if it did.
Many happy returns of the day, JZ!
Happy anniversary, Sparky and Mr. Sparky!
And, 36 can't possibly be old, because I refuse to believe that 39 is, and that's older, so there.
Happy Anniversary Sparky1 and Sparky2! That celebratory weekend sounds wonderful.
Three lovely ladies in their wedding dresses
Wise, wise words, Nora. I made a similar choice several years ago and have never regretted it. I get that not everyone has this choice, but if you're lucky enough to have it, you should take it.
One thing I like about this new job is that I was very frank about why I wanted it, and what was important to me and expounded on my priorities of home life and school, and everyone I talked to (which was about 8 people of various levels - from the director of the entire department to another admin) was like, hell yeah. As the admin said when I asked about OT and getting everything done: "if it takes more than 40 hours a week on a regular basis to get what I need to get done, done, it's not a problem with me; it's a problem with the job and how the work is being distributed. And that's what needs to be fixed."
Of course, I was afraid that I came off as lazy sounding but I guess I didn't.
Oooh, pretty shiny ladies! Reminding me of all the fun we had dressing up and Promming.
Happy Anniversary, Sparky and Mr. Sparky!!!
Three lovely ladies in their wedding dresses
No blushy! You're very pretty. We all look like we're having a ball, which is why I love the picture so much.
I will give an automatic "A" to the first student of mine who comes in to my office, recognizes the monkey and quotes a line from Wonderfalls.
Okay, how do I get my Bus Law prof to adopt this policy?
Hah! YES! I have far too many other things to do.
Totally! I get it if your job really is Your Calling. But if your job's just a job, then I say your job is your job and your life is your life. And I insist on having both.
And, 36 can't possibly be old, because I refuse to believe that 39 is, and that's older, so there.
Awesome! You guys make my newly acquired 35 feel youthful and exuberant!