sj, I just dropped my full cup of coffee all over myself and the floor, narrowly missing the laptop. Before I got to drink any. I think it's the day.
I hadn't had a sip of mine either. When Dave came to check on me, the first thing I said was to put the water back on the boil.
What are the plans for this weekend, Bitches? Anything exciting?
This is the weekend of the North Beach Festival, so I'm working at the restaurant every night this weekend. 6 hours tonight, 12 hours tomorrow, 9 hours Sunday. I'd best be making some serious dough for this.
I gave my mom our tickets for tonight
We're going tonight!
The girl has a crush on him.
I bet it was his comedy performance.
I'm not sure what is funnier. His reaction to his first "call from a girl" or the fact that K-Bug had to call and give me the running commentary.
Happy Birthday askye!
I hate this jumping to the end of the thread stuff, but it's the only option.
waves hi
We're going tonight!
If you are wondering around - she will be in section 128, row 3. She is taking the Giants fan that just married into the family.
What are the plans for this weekend, Bitches? Anything exciting?
Tonight, wine tasting at a local market. Tomorrow night, Dave has a gig. Sunday, party at Dave's dad's place.
Gosh, no clue what I'm doing this weekend. Sleeping in each day and being a sloth.
Or running around with softball games until we are kicked out of the tournament.
Happy Birthday, askye!!
sj, glad you didn't hurt yourself, and $60 for two dresses sounds fantastic to me.
vw, good luck on the apartment.
OK, I didn't actually click on any links, but I bet the hat is lovely and would look good on Betsy.
No link clicking, because I'm at online at the library on a time limit and skimming like a mad thing, because my computer is IN THE SHOP. Which sucks. But, whatever, I'll be a grown-up about it. Mostly.
And in good meme news - I had my final radiation appointment today! All done with both kinds of radiation... now sitting back and waiting for the superpowers to kick in. And, even better, I get a couple of weeks break before starting chemo again. Life is good. Except for the lack of computer thing.
yay for no more radiation! boo for lack of computer, keeping JenP from us.
This weekend I am working Saturday morning (a nice reminder of why I am taking another job), then driving to CT to hang with my dad and grandmother, and then driving home on Sunday and dropping Tom off at the airport for his week away on business.
I hope my dad doesn't drive me insane and my parents' house is in decent shape (their house is usually pretty messy/filthy) otherwise this weekend is going ot be Teh Suck all around. Followed by a week of no Tom.