Have a good time, Kristin!
Jeesh, ChiKat, that's a busy next few days! Writing the final at work sounds like a good plan.
Also, you are the first person I know of getting a ticket for cell phone use. That seemed significant when I started writing teh sentence, but now I forget why. I think that's a sign that I should eat dinner soon...
Kristin, it seems to be crappy landlord season. A friend of mine is dealing with a landlord who refuses to answer calls from her prospective rental because he wants her not to move and her dad to buy the house she's been renting.
Also, apparently my grandfathers have decided that since I have a job, they should fly me off to India in December to find a wife and get married in January.
Moving my post to let ChiKat's response speak for us all at P-C's post.
Leave the carrier out and open overnight. That may help by giving him a chance to check it out for himself and see that it is not a medieval torture device. You may want to consider baiting it with tuna or some other never-fails-to-bring-Daniel-running treat. ... In your case, I would start with having gloves on (and maybe you want to leave those out where Daniel can see them, or maybe pet him a few times with them on so that he does not freak when you suddenly have monster hands). If you have to, dump him into it head first. Use one hand to shove him further in, use the other hand to start closing the door.
This works for cats as well.
P-C, this is somewhat unrelated to the above, but how old are you? 24? (Seriously, it does seem related, but it really isn't. I have...um...other reasons for asking. Which I may explain later. Which is sounding weirder and weirder, but really, it's not. I swear!)
Hey, why bother shipping you out there? They should just pick out some girl and mail her to you.
I will turn 25 in September.
I should clarify that what I just reported is simply hearsay and was possibly in half-jest, except maybe more like quarter-jest, because no one in my family will SHUT UP about marriage anymore.
They should just pick out some girl and mail her to you.
Oh, don't be crass.
The postage would be more than the plane ticket.