drive-by meara-ing, whee!:
Happy birthday, Teppy!
Shoulder~ma to P.-C. Stay out of the way of all that flying math!
Welcome to sj's new cousin! Maia Rose really is a lovely name.
Tzepesh and Ruthven are gorgeous! Trinian is beautiful too, but I have a special love for black kitties. I'm glad Trinian is starting to accept the presence of the boys.
Congrats, CaBil! Sweet gig.
Yay for getting the apartment, vw! And, "Is this as clean as you can get it?" is pretty insulting. Tell her with such short notice she's just lucky you're dressed!
Happy vacations to those getting them!
I envy people who can wear pretty corsets! I look at corset picture postings and sigh longingly. (Which is a little ironic considering once upon a time we were liberating ourselves from them. All about choice.)
Loom on, Pete.
I looked up the name Maia because I wasn't familiar with it with that spelling, and I found this part very interesting: In Greek and Roman mythology she was the eldest of the Pleiades.
And may your reflexes only get sharper the drunker you get.
I am not sure I want La Tep's mental image conflated with Johnny Fever's.
sj, backflung!
But the tattoos! And the drinking! And the oooogling pretty boys!!!!
Suzi, where are your priorities? Hugging first - then tattoos and drinking (preferably prior to the tattoo), which will inevitably lead to the oooogling of tasty male eye candy.
Note to self: stash some Big Time Fun in the closet for Katie Bee's arrival.
NICOLE! You didn't give me any tattoos, and I don't think we did any oogling either.
HEY! You were only here for, like, a day and a half! Suzi's coming to see me (handwaves K-Bug's softball tournament) for almost two weeks!!!
I need a little time to get all wild and crazy.
And... um... I knew you were visiting other people during that cross-country drive of yours and I didn't want to wear you out. 'Cause I'm a giver like that. Yeah.
In conclusion, that's MY hmph!
One of my classmates just used an emoticon in her introductory post. It is a school assignment; this strikes me a terribly inappropriate.
I've seen so much OKTHXBYE in work communications that I'm not sure what's appropriate anymore. Execs of my parents' generation using chatspeak...the world is changing at both ends.