I have to think it's a significant portion. I'd say you may be personally responsible for a full quarter of the mole rat searches.
Naturally, this demanded another search. In which I picked up the interesting tidbit that as their nests in the wild are generally sealed except during excavation, they tend to run low on oxygen. Mole rats cope with a metabolic rate less than half that of other rodents and unusually efficient haemoglobin. Huzzah!
There was something I was supposed to post...wonder what it was....
Oh yeah--
Just for today, you don't suck.
Happy Birthday, Steph!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year.
Happy Birthday to Teppy!!
sssskkkiiiiiimmm to end. Hugs to all. Gentle one sided hug to P-C. Extra hugs to those feeling the jolt of untimely loss. Yay Plei!
Happy Birthday Teppy!
It's TEPPY DAY!!!!! And that means good.
Plei, that is massively cool!
happy birthday La Tep!
If you go to Vermont, I'll buy you a birthday beer!
Happy Birthday, Teppy!!!
My cousin had her little girl at 3:30 this morning. Twenty-six hours after going into labor. I have no other details yet because my stepfather got the call, and he didn't get details.