As was javachik. As were so many of you, actually.
F2F 4: Too Much Candy, Never Enough Mojitos.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
ND's expression in the picture is hilarious.
He's pointing at amyth's cleavage and telling us she really set the bar high. Which...yeah. Wow.
We're en route to the airport now, and I can't access Flickr until later, so if I haven't friended you yet, I will later tonight. We probably won't have news on ND's dad until we get to San Diego late tonight, btw.
He's pointing at amyth's cleavage and telling us she really set the bar high. Which...yeah. Wow.
Higher than the bar Vortex usually sets? Wow.
Now I'm really bummed I wasn't there.
He's pointing at amyth's cleavage and telling us she really set the bar high. Which...yeah. Wow.
Higher than the bar Vortex usually sets? Wow.
yes, I was PWNED by Amyth's cleavage. Next year, I'm bringing my A game. Look out!
Which means the only way I'm not coming next year is if I'm shackled, chained and weighted down.
We had two pairs of incredibly talented boobage--Amyth's dancing ones and (as we found out at brunch yesterday) ChiKat's catching ones. Most entertaining!
Which means the only way I'm not coming next year is if I'm shackled, chained and weighted down.
We'll do that after you get there...
Here's my pics: [link]
it's set to friends, so add me as a contact and I'll add you. I'm KaffyM on flickr.
Noise boxes are safely at their home. The place wasn't hard to find but I nearly wrecked on the way over. My brain still hasn't caught up it seems.