Yay pictures! This is my new favorite Scola pic. Cutie!
Ok. Need more now.
What? Yes, I'm grateful. No, I'm not satisfied.
Need more. Kthxbai.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Yay pictures! This is my new favorite Scola pic. Cutie!
Ok. Need more now.
What? Yes, I'm grateful. No, I'm not satisfied.
Need more. Kthxbai.
Grrr. I keep getting a login page or a "you do not have permissions" page on the photos. Grrr, I says.they are TEASING us. TAUNTING us. Not only do we not get to go, but then say "oh here are some pictures" and then DENY us ability to see them. Discrimination I say. Or Something bad-wordy sounding.
Maybe one of the kind souls will let us know how to access them.
:: sad puppy dog eyes... wimpering ::
Meanwhile, we are at F2F Brooklyn, @ casa Moon-Bone. It's somewhat smaller, but we has a Dylan and you don't.
I'll see your Dylan and raise you an Owen and Olivia.
dudes!!!! I am truejavachik and I will friend you on Flickr if you friend me. I am drunk.
dudes!!!! I am truejavachik and I will friend you on Flickr if you friend me. I am drunk.I can haz friend! On Flicker, I'm "bchas"
f2f folks, we are heading directly to the restaurant. If you are still at tbd hotel , call someone. My phone is dying
Back from HotR. Quick change, then heading to restaurant.
t taunt
Many people took many pictures, but I doubt there will be time to review them and get them uploaded tonight.
t /taunt
Is the the QI internet working any better? Does the prom venue have WiFi internet?
We've got decent internet. It bounces back and forth between "I will have Who at Midnight" and "I will have Who this time tomorrow"
pictures!!! With labels even!!