Vortex, beer info please! Profile addy (it's a new email address) is fine.
Thanks to all y'all, I feel confident about prom. I am sure something will work out.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Vortex, beer info please! Profile addy (it's a new email address) is fine.
Thanks to all y'all, I feel confident about prom. I am sure something will work out.
I'm not going to the F2F - think I could get them to Madison in time?
Prolly not.
Why you no coming? UNACCEPTABLE!
t pout
Well, my boss said that we'd be in the middle of getting the next issue of our publication ready to go to print, so I couldn't go.
Late last week he told me that, since it's a two-month issue he's putting the date back a week.
stabbity stabbity, indeed
(I'm also having some back problems - doctor says it's probably a bad sprain - that make long-distance travel a bad idea, so ....)
Ummm...so....I've been very remiss at keeping up with events for the F2F. Can I be added to the beer tour list?? Profile addy good.
Also, how is the money looking? I put in at the beginning of May, but wondered if I needed to kick in any more.
Part of me can't believe that I'm really going again. I'm thrilled but it still doesn't seem real. Probably because I haven't been thinking about clothes yet. Which, dude, I need to do!
From gathering the arrival information, it appears that there are quite a few of us that are arriving to Madison from the Chicago area about the same time.
Should we try to maybe meet at a common point just outside of Chicago and caravan together?
Well, ChiKat and I will be getting onto I-90 from 53 in Schaumburg. If you want to form a convoy ("Come on and join our convoy / ain't nothin' gonna stand in our way!"), we can probably meet at a parking lot near that exit.
If it's okay, I'd rather not add too many more details to Friday than just gathering The Trio who is joining me for the trip up to Madison. (Which may be beside the point if no one else is traveling during that time, anyway!!)
Depending on how much time The Trio needs for freshening up at the hotel before we hit the road, I think we're somewhere in the range of leaving the Sheraton O'Hare between 11-Noon on Friday.
No that's totally cool - I was just tossing that out there. At least we know that folks will be nearish if, God forbid, a car has issues or what not.
t knocks wood
Hey Jessica, is the "Fucking Great" vid you made after the SFF2F still up anywhere? I feel the need to revisit it and get giddy.