Java, I am willing to bet that there are some Buffistas with an extra corset or two that would probably fit you like a very yummy, cleavage-filled glove...
We often share Prom clothes. And often wear multiple outfits. It's a thing.
And have I mention OMGWTFF2F lately? WHEE!
MMMmmmmmm...I could see that happening. And as an aside, are there any corset shops in town?
Not specializing in such in Madison, javachik. We do have a few lingerie shops that might carry some meant for outerwear, but they aren't going to be sturdy, custom fit things.
Victor, nothing's been decided yet. I'm guessing not until folks get here on Thursday.
Not specializing in such in Madison
Sail, isn't A Woman's Touch in Madison? Or are they just sex toys, et al.?
java - you will look awesome no matter what you wear. Srsly.
IMememeN: My dress hasn't gotten here yet and I need shoes to match it and we have no luggage!
I'll be wearing what I wore last year. My plan is to just bask in your reflected glory.
eta: I can't imagine Java being anything but lovely. Also, I finally sent my info to you, Aims.
It's entirely possible that I will be dressed far too casually for prom
eh, people wear everything, no worries. I am recycling part of last years outfit.
Forgive my newness... which night is Prom?
isn't A Woman's Touch in Madison?
Yes. I've never been there and the website looks like it's all sextoy kind of stuff, but it could be more. If folks want to check it out, I say go for it.