Kate, Smonster and Amyth, I think I will stay in one of the airport hotels that has a free shuttle. That way as y'all arrive, you can take the shuttle to the hotel. Once everyone is at the hotel, we can depart. Sound good? I'll get a car that holds driver + 3 passengers. Y'all can chip in for gas or whatever, but I was going to get a car anyway, so no worries on rental fee. That sounds a lot more relaxing than driving around the airport trying to coordinate pick-ups. Work for you?
ETA: you can come up to the room and shower/clean up, too, so that you're refreshed for the drive.
Have I mentioned lately that javachik is one of the coolest, most awesome people in the entire world? Because she really is.
So how many people are in for this thing? Anyone know?
Have I mentioned lately that javachik is one of the coolest, most awesome people in the entire world? Because she really is.
Awwww, you just made my already great day "grande"! Muy grande!
Victory, (yes, that's how I saw your name and so it goes), dunno know the numbers. Sail can prolly tell us when she logs back in. This will be your first time meeting any of us loonies face-to-face, right? You're a gamer alright.
Heh. The first F2F I went to was in DC in 2004. I'd only been on the board about two months, and I was half terrified and half thrilled at the thought of traveling 400 miles by myself to meet everyone. There were probably 50 or 60 people at that gathering, and I knew the second I got there that it was going to be the best party I'd ever been to.
Better watch out, Victor, this board has a way of changing your life.
Victor, there's no way of knowing real numbers until everyone gets here. I'm guessing, based on the fact all the rooms in the room block have been filled (15) and the fact many are having to find overflow locations, we're going to be pulling in 30-35 folks minimum. This has really turned out to be a larger F2F than I expected with gas prices and just the economy in general.
F2F fund update:
We've got a little over $1100 in the fund right now. That covers the 4 hour room rental for Prom. (Yay, Prom!) Right now, the room is scheduled for 8:30pm to 12:30pm. If we want to stay in the room longer, the rate is charged every half hour after ($137.50 per half hour).
We still need to cover the hospitality suite, somewhere between $275 and $300 (I'm not sure how taxes are going to beef up the actual cost, the room is $129 per night.) Also, if we want to stock the room with munchies and a limited selection of booze and soda, etc., we could use more of the extremely generous donations I've been receiving.
That is all.
What Jessica and Frank said.
(But, Jess, are you already in Canada that weekend, or in NY?)