Empress! This morning I saw Donna Summer on tv and she was saying that she didn't think of herself as queen of disco anymore and that she wanted to be called Empress now that she is older. Although she was delightful in the interview she was clearly wrongheaded about the whole Empress thing.
t natter
I could waste all day looking at pictures of us. Still have to figure out how and when I am getting to the F2F. It looks like I will be heading to NY mid month.
green tea
I still love DH in his usual not subtle manner checking out cleavage. At least this time with me. [link]
I...don't think that's me in that picture.
I'm pretty sure it is Ms H.
Do you mean Ms Havisham? Nope.
I...don't think that's me in that picture.
Oh. I looked at the nametag and went from there.
Well then I love the look [insert Buffista] is giving me in that picture!
Or am I looking at the wrong link...?
Yes, I was looking at the wrong link. Sorry, yes it's Ms. H.
Wow! Mystery. Looking at the original image I thought the nametag said ....
ok, mystery solved, I was reading the name right.
edit to take out real name
:( as someone not at any of the F2F's, all these pictures are teases. I'm trying to figure out who folks are. I know a few from linked pics in the past... :: sniffle sniffle :: Maybe next year!