Might want to consider the Grumpy Troll in Mount Horeb, too, since it's so close to New Glarus. It doesn't have a tour, it's a one shot brewpub, but they have fairly decent food and very good beer.
I had Grumpy Troll on the list, just for the name. Basically, my plan is to GoogleMap the breweries, pick a few close together, and suggest a plan.
VictorC, might contact you about finding a designated driver or two. We would pay!
I hope things work out, Sean! We'll be glad to have more than a few drinks or your behalf though, if not.
In other words: More for us!
I'd really like to come to F2F, but I'm going to be in Houston the following weekend, so I don't know how possible it is.
You could leave most stuff packed and ready to go on to Houston.
Could do. Hell, it usually takes me a week to unpack from a trip anyway. Affording three plane tickets in one summer (Vancouver in August) is the thing. Although Mr. Bush bought me the trip to Houston. Wasn't that nice of him?
I can kick some money into the F2F fund after June 1st... Too late?
Not at all, Victor. I'll be accepting donations up to Jun. 20th.
Good because it is broke city here until next week some time.
I'm sure you probably have this mostly solid, but if you need help with anything, let me know.
As things get closer to the wire, I'll probably need some help arranging the A/V setup for the hospitality suite and stuff like that. If you have any facility for that kind of thing, it will save me a lot of hair-pulling. And I'm not saying whose hair.