F2F update:
The fund is up to $374.91 right now. Thanks to all who have donated, we are one quarter way to having what we need.
javachik, for some reason PayPal didn't send me notification of your donation, I try to send everyone a reply when I get one. I'd like to thank you here for your generosity!
Sail, maybe we (doesn't have to be you) should post a reminder every week or so in this thread or in Press? I know for me things tend to slip unless I'm prodded to remember. Because I am five and can't handle the grown up stuff on my own, probably.
I figured once a week, but since I am also five, I haven't paid attention to when that week actually is. And, I don't believe that you're five, because you were the second person to send me money.
::sticks out tongue::
t /twelve, not five
Actually, Sail, we're close enough that I think you might want to consider posting a couple of times a week and with a bit more sense of urgency. Just my two cents from my experience with NOLA. People (and I completely include myself in this category) often don't donate until they realize how close the event is and how increasingly urgent the need is. We're four weeks away now, right?
More like 6 weeks, Kristin. Most people get paid every two weeks. I think a once a week reminder will probably catch most people on nearly any pay cycle and be most effective.
Oh, I thought we were closer for some reason. Ignore the crazy blonde in the corner.
I found a $259 on kayak.
That's a long way to row.
So Kristin and I are playing with the idea of flying in and out of Chicago for the F2F and driving down and then spending a few days in Chicago right after the F2F. Who in the Chicago area might be around, and would anyone be interested in letting us bum a space to stay for those couple of days?
You're welcome to stay at my place but you won't see me unless you're here before the F2F.
amyth and I are talking about coming - cheapest flights for us are $259 to Chicago O'Hare. We'd get in Friday morning and leave Sunday night. So we'd be interested in carpooling/renting a car w/ others.
It's not definite yet, but I think we're leaning towards coming.