Everyone should be here.
Couldn't agree more. From way over here on the East Coast. Booooo, indeed.
But I'm loving the pictures!
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Everyone should be here.
Couldn't agree more. From way over here on the East Coast. Booooo, indeed.
But I'm loving the pictures!
Wait, you're not here either? I thought you were!
So... if I were to show up at Ti Couz tomorrow around 1pm, there's a good chance I'd see JZ and other thrift shoppers, no?
And were I to drop by the Hospitality Suite after work tonight (this is where I'll be working, BTW -- stop by and say hello if you want) around, say, 1:30 or 2am, would people still be up and about?
Edited to fix tag, and add that the club is just three and a half blocks from the hotel.
I thought you were!
Sadly, no. I was supposed to be, but then I ran into some taxing financial iss-yews of doom and other crap, so not so much. So, I'm just looking at pretty pictures and picking up the pieces of my broken heart off of the living room floor and stuff.
I am home, having worked through lunch and crammed as much work into the day as possible. The DH and the car, however, are AWOL. I suspect he thought he had enough time to go get his hang glider from the shop before we headed into the city for the Alcatraz trip. I wonder what the chances are of him getting back early enough that we'll be able to drive in? ::twitch:: I want to see people NOW!
All your Deena, Val, Emily and Nicole's are belonging to ME!!!!!!!
Watcha doin' with 'em??
Here I come!
And were I to drop by the Hospitality Suite after work tonight (this is where I'll be working, BTW -- stop by and say hello if you want) around, say, 1:30 or 2am, would people still be up and about?
There will probably be someone there.
Hey, Cindy's not at this thing, is she? Boooo. Everyone should be here.
No she's not, and yes, they should. I've been reading along, concerned you wouldn't meet up with anyone, P-C.