Eek! Don't impinge on a funeral for us! It will get done, honey. Thanks for wrangling it. Believe me, I remember how stressful it was.
And yeah, part of what made it stressful was how incredibly expensive NOLA was. A small number of people picked up a huge amount of those expenses at the last minute, and I just don't want that to have to happen again here. Sorry if I'm being overly cautious.
In other news, I just found the "Fucking Great" vid that Jessica did after the SF F2F. LOVE that vid!
I was thinking about NoLa when I requested a "suggested donation" upthread. I realize it's hard to estimate when we don't know where prom will be. May I ask, if we'd known how expensive NoLa would be, what would each F2F participant have had to contribute in order for everyone to have foot (footed?) an equal amount of the bill? Basically, I'm trying to make sure that I can afford to attend. And even if I can't I'll still throw a wee contribution into the paypal pot.
In the past we've never really broken it down that way. We know that some folks can pay a lot more and some can't really afford much and things tend to level out.
Okey Dokey. I'll just give 'till it hurts.
I wouldn't say that. Give what you can afford, it's pretty much the rule of thumb around here.
If the $275 is just a guarantee against what we spend, I'm much less concerned. The garden patio sounds great though - would be lovely if we could snag that. My one concern with the dining room - how is it set up? From the pictures I got the idea that it might be all built in booths and stuff - but it wasn't a big picture so that could be way off.
I say let Vortex loose on 'em.
As do I. "Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!"
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!"
I think that this should be my new tagline. If not the theme of the Wisconsin F2F.
Take it, if you want.
Hell, you get our prom fixed, we'll put it on a banner and fly it over the dance floor.