Hil, do you mean Jacob Wirth's?
No, it's not that one, I don't think, unless they've changed their menu a whole lot since the last time I was there. After a bit more googling, I think I might mean Union Oyster House, but I'm not sure. I'll ask my mom next time I talk to her -- every time I've been there has been with her, so I think she'll remember it.
And if one were to fly (hypothetically), what airport would be easiest?
Yes, as K said, Burbank is the best airport for our area. It is small and about 15 minutes away.
OK, turns out I meant Durgin Park.
Look here for immortalization of an impromptu dinner gathering last night in honor of Juliana's lovely momma. Look here for a picture "Belinda's" (Thing) cousin, "MugThing".
Hil answered her own question before I got to the end of the thread
Nice looking site, Sail! Did you do the logo? (And who's doing the CafePress store, hint hint?)
Is there a suggested donation for those planning to attend?
Ginger designed and hosted the website for me, Brenda. And the logo, which I find quite charming, was pasted together by her from a couple of cliparts. Ha! I was thinking we could ask for some ideas for CafePress if Ginger doesn't want the logo used. Personally, I think it quite apropos and it would make a good mug, etc.
Nice site!
I did a little Googling to get oriented to Wisconsin (unsure if I'm attending, but armchair travel is fun) and found some links that are interesting, especially this one, for all the discounts, like 2-for-1 at the Crane Fdn, and 50% off weekend car rentals:
I linked to it from here, which page has a bunch of good links:
I'd be happy to have that be the logo, if that's what people want. I can set it up. It's public domain stuff.
Anyone have any ideas for a tag line? (Not that we have to have one.)
Ideas of dubious merit:
Beer, brats and Buffistas
We came, we saw, we ate cheese curds.
I'm just here for the snark.
On, Buffistas!
I'm not feeling very clever at the moment.