We are in the HS, just chilling and watchng cartoons. I'm on Anne's computer (has a touchpad instead of a nipple/clit mouse thing). I'm starting to want real food for breakfast. Will have to see who I can con into venturing out with me.
So many cool people, I feel like a total doof.
Huh. I woke up in San Francisco. Weird.
And there's this Hospitality Suite down the hall. Must go investigate....
t waves
We are awake! Not out of bed or showered or clothed, but awake!
What the HS needs (for those of us stuck at work) is a web cam...
::Waves at KristinT::
I think I am across the hall from you.
we are gronkily packing up and then will drop our stuff at the HS while we go around town with work folks. (last day of work folks, I promise!).
Where's a teleporter when you need one?
You guys have Scola! I am SO JEALOUS.
Sail and I are going to hit a supermarket on our way to get Theodosia. Anyone need anything?
Suzi! Have you checked into the room yet? Is it close to everyone else?
So anyone still going to be in the HS in 30 minutes or so? It's going to take me that long to shower and be ready.