Final Results:
Detroit 6
Houston 5
Madison 23
Minneapolis 25
Total Votes: 59
New poll!
Vote for Madison or Minneapolis in question one and then vote for your top two date choices in question two. We will have a run-off between the two most popular dates once we get these results.
VOTE HERE! The poll will stay open until Saturday 9PM EST.
No fair! I had enough trouble making a decision the first time.
Eenie, meanie, miney, moe...
Now if only I could go.
It was real easy for me the first time, but now that neither choice will involve visiting all my peeps, it's harder!
As of this morning:
Madison, WI 16
Minneapolis, MN 7
Total Votes: 23
Dates (top two choices):
5/3 2
5/17 5
5/31 6
6/7 11
6/14 8
6/21 11
6/28 4
If I have no preference for dates (which, after twenty minutes of futzing with my calendar I'm starting to realize is actually the case) I don't have to check any boxes to submit the poll, do I?
Please note, you CAN get cheese curds IN the Mall of America...
Yeah, after they've been carried by burrows across the Wisconsin-Minnesota mountains...
As of this morning:
Madison, WI 21
Minneapolis, MN 10
Total answers: 31
Skipped question:2
5/3 5
5/17 6
5/31 8
6/7 15
6/14 11
6/21 13
6/28 6
VOTE HERE! The poll will stay open until Saturday 9PM EST.