I'd love a mid-June or later F2F -- the further out it is, the more likely I'd be to be able to scrape together the funds to attend; and besides, there are so many Buffista teachers, and I hate the thought of a F2F that just summarily excludes all of them but whoever's local to the location (and I don't think any of the 4 places we're voting on right now even have any local teachers at all, so we'd all lose out in May).
Wow. Could that sentence be any run-onnier?
On that note, is it safe to assume that we can't consider dates prior to late April since it's already almost February? Once we've decided on the city, I want to propose the following possible dates for the location:
Weekends of:
5/24 (but this is Memorial Day weekend, so I assume we aren't considering it for the F2F)
I've been thinking about how to set up this vote--maybe we should vote on our first and second choices and then have a run-off among the top three dates? Otherwise the vote will be hugely diluted because of the large number of possibilities.
ETA: Thanks, JZ. I would so love to do June for that very reason.
I'm hoping that we manage to have a mid-June F2F for my own selfish purposes
This would be better for us too. The boys would be out of school so less stressful scheduling stuff.
Any weekend in June except the 14th is good by me. (It would be bad form to skip my son's 1st birthday to go to the F2F, right?)
Detroit when it's less murderiffic
Well, guess you'll never be out here then. Plllbbbt.
ETA: [link] Minneapolis catching up to Detroit.
You could bring him!!!
THIS! Ask Aimee, we do great Buffista babysitting!
Ask Aimee, we do great Buffista babysitting!
Buffista babysitting in NOLA was teh awesome. I think the only times I held Em the entire weekend were when I had to nurse her because Buffista love only goes so far.
My brain also went to F2F '08 as a weekend-long Dylan birthday celebration... but, as a parent who went through the whole first birthday thing just a few months ago, my brain then went to the likely reactions of the grandparents to being robbed of their little boo on the only first birthday he will ever have, and it wasn't pretty.