I'm the nearest to Memphis, but I really don't think it's a good choice for a F2F city. Downtown has attractions and a limited form of neat public transportation (the trolleys), but also lots of crime and no decent inexpensive hotels that I'm aware of. And outside that zone, public transportation is awful and affordable lodging tends to be in places where there's nothing else around.
I could check on Heartbreak Hotel if we want to try a Graceland-themed F2F, but I realize that might not appeal to all and there's not much that isn't Elvis-centric in that part of town.
I'd always be happy to play tour guide if a smaller group that can fit in one vehicle wants to visit sometime.
Just to keep everyone up to date, I've sent out a request to the Madison visitor and convention bureau for hotel proposals. I requested that all the hotels get their info into me by Jan. 25th. Hopefully, room prices will be within our spending limits.
Can we just say Madison looks good and let's decide on a date? Just to move forward quickly. And because Madison does look good, and while many other places would also be good, gathering the info would take time.
Ann Arbor/Detroit doesn't hold much in the way of F2F friendly activities, either. Unless you like gambling and drug buying.
Greenfield Village/Henry Ford Museum, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit Zoo, off the top of my head. Fox Theatre and the other one (I forget it's name), Tigers games, what else?
Madison is fine with me! Maybe we should post a Press announcement giving anyone with other cities to pimp a day or two to voice their opinions before making the de facto decision that we're going with that city?
Joe Louis Arena!
Oh. You aren't all hockey fans, huh?
No ... but we could have a showing of Slapshot (knowlege of or interest in hocky not required)
I'm very uncomfortable with just deciding on Madison (and I like the place -- New Glarus and cheese curds, food of the gods), particularly in light of the fact that the discussion has been happening for a few hours. I think that we need to give at least 24-48 hours for people to chime in.
Whither thou goest, I will go .... (pretty much ... just don't go to New Jersey, please)